Sunday, June 10, 2007

Is it Sanka or Granny?

In the past I've said that if it can be imagined, it would be done. Well here's a new one for me but I'm pretty sure it's been around a while yet still in the "can we make it legal" stage. Swedish firm, "Promessa", has come up with a new way of disposition. Have you ever had a mole or wart frozen? We all have heard of Burial, Cremation, even burial at sea but they have "invented" a new way which in tune with a "greener" environment is truly ecologically friendly. This is directly from their site. Get this.

"How it's done

The method behind ecological burial is crystal-clear, easy to grasp and accept. It is based on a new combination of tried-and-tested techniques that prepare the corpse for a natural process of decomposition. The procedure is justifiable in terms of ethical, moral, environmental and technical considerations, and does not subject the body to violent or destructive handling."The method is based upon preserving the body in a biological form after death, while avoiding harmful embalming fluid. Then it can be returned to the ecological cycle in a dignified manner as a valuable contribution to the living earth," explains Susanne Wiigh-Mäsak, biologist and head of operations at Promessa Organic AB. An important part of the solution is to remove that which is least important; the water that makes up 70 percent of a normal-sized body. Technically speaking, this is done using an entirely closed individual process in which the corpse is freeze-dried in liquid nitrogen.Read more about nitrogen Within a week and a half after death, the corpse is frozen to minus 18 degrees Celsius and then submerged in liquid nitrogen. This makes the body very brittle, and vibration of a specific amplitude transforms it into an organic powder that is then introduced into a vacuum chamber where the water is evaporated away.The now dry powder then passes through a metal separator where any surgical spare parts and mercury are removed. In a similar way, the powder can be disinfected if required. The remains are now ready to be laid in a coffin made of corn starch. There is no hurry with the burial itself. The organic powder, which is hygienic and odorless, does not decompose when kept dry. The burial takes place in a shallow grave in living soil that turns the coffin and its contents into compost in about 6-12 months time. In conjunction with the burial and in accordance with the wishes of the deceased or next of kin, a bush or tree can be planted above the coffin. The compost formed can then be taken up by the plant, which can instill greater insight in and respect for the ecological cycle, of which every living thing is a part. The plant stands as a symbol of the person, and we understand where the body went."Our ecological burial reduces environmental impact on some of our most important resources; our water, air and soil," says Susanne Wiigh-Mäsak, biologist and head of Promessa Organic AB. "At the same time it provides us with deeper insights regarding the ecological cycle, and greater understanding of and respect for life on earth." Show illustrated description. This is a service also made available by funeral homes."

Very interesting indeed. The final outcome sounds great but I guess freezing someone and then bombarding them with vibrations until they shatter into dust isn't considered violent or destructive handling. I don't honestly think I can come up with anything more destructive unless of course when water is re-introduced it becomes a corpse again. And they do say that the remaining dust and corn starch will help a tree grow so there is a real use. I know, I know; cremation is just as destructive. Embalming aint so cute either. The difference is that I don't go around saying that the body will be reduced to ash by removing water with the use of heat. It's incineration, definitely not a pretty picture. None of it's nice, we all know that. It's just that this needs to be marketed for what it is, not some new way to regrow rain forests. Just what I'd want, a bush named mom. But, once again, it's all about personal preference. There's no doubt that there's NO nice way to dispose of the body of someone we love, but please...this is a new procedure, a "green" procedure, but where are these people looking for the green to end up? Hooray for the entrepreneur!


ICE_Molly said...

WOW! *Mouth gaping and still in wonderment...* What a very interesting piece of information and very educational as well, as I was not aware of such a process, let alone - it being a choice for burial.

Has anyone been through this process yet?

Thanks for stopping by Hayle Media Photos and for your very kind comments!

deathsweep said...

I have to assume that "someone", "somewhere" has gone through this process however if so I can't say who or where. No question, it is a viable way of disposition. One in fact that if priced right would become a new norm somewhere. But that's only my opinion.