Friday, November 21, 2008

Riddle me this

Is it because no one has died recently? Is it because I no longer have anything worth saying? Is it because my life has been so hectic lately that I haven't had the time to write? Or is it perhaps that I just haven't had any motivation to write?

Well, the answer to these questions is pretty straightforward and easy. Yes, of course people have died recently, I hope that I still have plenty in me left to say, my life has NOT been too hectic to write and I have had enough time, which leaves motivation. Yes motivation, or should I say lack of.

There have been days when I felt like there was something that I needed to write down, something to say and off I go to my computer and sit there....and sit there....and sit there....and not a damned word can be produced from my mind; even though there is something specific that I want to write about. This has become troubling to me.

I have always enjoyed writing to some degree but it has always been in spurts. I can remember when I was younger (and I still hold onto the paper to prove it) I wrote poetry, short stories, I even have a few so called novels still unfinished which I may someday complete. Right, someday. What I don't, can't, understand is how I can go from writing on a daily basis in between the rest of my life to not writing at all.

If it weren't for the few blogs that I visit that offer writing prompts I don't think I would be writing anything right now, literally nothing. I'm doing my best not to abandon the two blogs that I have, I even tried to start a new one in hopes that there would be some motivation there but that didn't work either.

All I can say is that I will continue to try; hell, I enjoy it when I produce some words. I have one of those counters on my site and I see that there are still a faithful few of you who continue to check in to see if I am alive or dead but that's waning too. I only wish I knew where to begin...perhaps this is the start...we'll see.


Anonymous said...

I've missed your writing too DS. I pop in every so often and I did today because just this day I have submitted my resume for a position in the funeral industry.

I have thought about it for a long time and then when I was following your posts it was crystallising in my mind.

Well a position has come up in my town and I'm going to give it my darndest to land the job. I'm sure I would be just right for the position and lots of my friends tell me it is just the kind of job for me.

I know the industry is quite a bit different in Australia to yours, but you have still given me so many insights and I have appreciated that greatly.

Please keep writing. You have a wonderful way with words. Have definitely missed you.

Warmest regards


Chunks of Reality said...

It seems that quite a few bloggers I know are going through the same thing with having writing blocks. I think it's OK and normal.

Just write when you feel it and don't beat yourself up if you don't. I will continue to visit your blog and see how you are.

You are an awesome person and have done so much with this blog. All of the knowledge you have imparted to others is amazing and I appreciate you a lot.

I hope that you have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

Unknown said...

I'm still here :)

I too am having a "motivational" block, but I am sure the desire will come back when it wants too.

linda said...

Well, it is hard to just let things flow sometimes. Then the more you worry about it the more resistant the ideas seem to be.

I am glad to see the odd bit of writing from you now and then. Your posts are always very thought provoking and interesting.

Anonymous said...

I'm just glad to see something from you :)
Many blessings,

Chunks of Reality said...

Just wanted to stop by and say hello. I hope that you and your family had a wonderful Christmas and New Year's!

The Tin Woman said...

I have had that same thing. Write constantly for a while and then just put it off to the side. I am sure in time something will strike you and you'll be back. Please do -- I enjoy reading.

Anonymous said...

Hey DS! I just saw something that I think will be of interest to you... might even cure your writer's block. Whilst trawling on the web I found a new site called Users store a profile of themselves, their memories and photos and such, and the site goes live when they die. You can set it to send emails to your friends after you die too. How crazy is that?

Anonymous said...

Hey DS! I just saw something that I think will be of interest to you... might even cure your writer's block. Whilst trawling on the web I found a new site called Users store a profile of themselves, their memories and photos and such, and the site goes live when they die. You can set it to send emails to your friends after you die too. How crazy is that?

Anonymous said...

Some people contemplate among becoming a dentist, a coroner or a mortician and remain indecisive. Some people would only choose one of these roles if their clients were ventriliquists or found ways to communicate as spirits from beyond the physical world. Have you ever listened closely to the silence and resonated more energy than you expected? Spirit energy is everywhere. Not every human being chooses to experience and feel. Some people move beyond fear.

AHotBath, my Diary said...

I understand. My first blog which Ive kept up for 18 months or so has become very tedious.

Like you, it isnt that I dont have anything to say (though I have exhausted primary topics). Blog post idea come into my head during everyday activities but never make it onto "paper". I wondered if Id had enough of "sharing", perhaps wanting to enjoy my thoughts privately. Ive also wondered whther it was just the effort required to write. I enjoy writing but a post definitely isnt a 5 minute exercise with the rambling thought processes which go into one...and required organisation of said thoughts.

I dont know but this isnt magically fixing itself unfortunately.