Sunday, May 31, 2009

How come?

Today marks 11 weeks; 77 days. That time frame would usually go so slow when waiting for something planned to happen although when counting the minutes from a loss the slowness is excruciating. Even though my minds eye can picture that night as if it happened yesterday, and at times it feels as if we were still together a few hours ago, it also feels as if I have just begun a prison sentence and I've been given life. The one big difference is that rather than have cell mates I feel as though I've been placed in solitary confinement; alone, basically left to rot. Sure, I sustain my body with food and drink but aside from merely existing that's all there is. I guess I never would have been prepared for this but it seems as if a lousy trick has been played on me when I was least expecting it. We did everything else together, why did this have to be different? Why did I have to stay behind?

1 comment:

paisley said...

as i am sure you are aware there is no answer to any of those questions.. grieving takes on many forms and this is just one of them.. i know it took me years to get this far away from my grief,, only to have to stir it all back up by putting my moo moo to sleep earlier this week.. so begins the mourning all over again...