Tuesday, January 22, 2008

"Must be a full moon" - superstitions/myths

Can you imagine what a file room would look like with 50 years worth of records in it? Records that could vary in the hundreds each day of those 50 years. Enormous is the only word that comes to mind, simply enormous. We all have one of these rooms. Today's one of those days of contemplation for me and my thoughts today have been racing around inside of my "enormous" file room of a brain for years. What actually spurred me to again think of it was the condition of last nights moon, yes the moon.

For as long as I can remember, and that's quite some time, I can recall hearing a phrase over and over and always had a curiosity whether or not there was anything to it. I was a kid, what did I know? The phrase that I'm talking about is "Must be a full moon". Very often when something bad would happen as I was growing up, a murder in the news, a bad car wreck, a fight, anything out of the ordinary, I used to hear this phrase. When I first heard it I had no idea what the reference meant but as years progressed I learned that a full moon was ominous.

Now as an adult, one that has a little bit of education, I should realize that this phrase really meant nothing at all. Perhaps it was something that was coined because of werewolf tales, or it might even go as far back to when the moon was considered a god; I'm not sure. What I do know however is that I still hold onto this superstition (if in fact it is one) to this day. Sounds silly doesn't it? The business I'm in is very random, there is no schedule for when people are going to die that I have access to yet when the moon is full, I can almost guarantee that I will get a call. I told you it was silly.

I have never done a study to see if this is in fact the truth, that the moon has some sort of power over the human body which can cause the weakest of them to die during this time but month after month it seems to hold true; perhaps I should simply be grateful. I know the moon controls the tides, I know there's a gravitational pull, but I'm not sure if there's anything to this moon thing when it comes to death; maybe some of the more educated out there could enlighten me since I haven't been able to locate anything to either explain or refute it.

So, anyway, as illogical as It sounds, I began thinking that some if not most superstitions might have a modicum of truth to them and decided to look further into the subject. I came across this website that listed literally pages of superstitions, most that I had never even heard of and lo and behold there was nothing concerning a full moon. Now, this discovery doesn't prove anything to me as far as this not being a true superstition but I thought it was more well known. Humor me here, I'm not really a country bumpkin, I have been out in the world, but has anyone else heard of this expression/superstition and if so what are your beliefs and experiences regarding it. Thanks for reading!


The Tin Woman said...

On my last trip to OH I learned a couple new superstitions. Somehow they seemed ridiculous to me - but then I mentioned the ones our family holds true and those were funny to my hosts. It seems to me they probably have more to do with being a tradition in a family after a while than they do with the actual superstition's validity.

As for the full moon though, I swore the kids were a whole new breed of wacky on those days. I mean pre-teens are oddballs as it is but amazingly enough they seemed to be more odd come the full moon.

paisley said...

my understanding is,, that since humans are like 50-70% water..and the moos rule the tides,, it has an effect on the human body... what that effect is,, lunacy,, moodiness, whatever,, i am unsure,,, but i recently installed a moon phase charting widget,, as i am interested in gaging it,, simply for my own information at present....

personally,, i feel quite good today... so thus far i have escaped the ill effects of todays full mooon... i'll keep ya posted.....

Catherine said...

Yes, I definitely believe in this superstition. This sounds strange, but years ago I worked at a daycare and ALWAYS during a full moon was when the babies would cry the most together, or the toddlers would act out more. Don't know why, but it definitely happened.

Colafos said...

The full moon and the new moon are inauspicious times in India. Some yoga studios do not hold classes on those days because their Western teachers/owners have been taught by their Indian gurus to avoid those days. So this superstition is well and thriving in our days.